C++ Vivid Engine

Vivid Engine is a C++ engine created by me during the summer last year. A simple reflection hot reloaded engine to make games. It consists of several things like hot-reloading, 2D rendering, 2D skeleton animations, PBR, & Boost Coroutines.

  • 1st July, 2019 - (8 weeks)
  • 2D, 3D, PBR
  • Game engine
  • Engine/Gameplay Programmer
  • Windows 10
  • 1 Programmer


Before I started working on the voxel engine I already made an engine, but that one was canceled due to code leaks, breaks etc. So after completing the semester, I learned a lot of things that I could improve. I decided redesign the engine and use what I've learned. Also before making an engine I wasn't sure what to use it for and now I want to create a simple hot-reload engine with 2D skeleton animations. I noticed that a lot of engines are focussing on the PBR implementation, which I also included in my engine and learned from learnopengl.com, but I wanted something more that the other engines did not had. In order to learn more about skeleton animation I for myself need to learn more about sprites, because sprites can be drawn in all sorts of ways like skewed or the pivot points are different. During my development I also watched YouTubers like TheCherno and ThinMatrix where they thought me more about architecture and ideas. Apart from those YouTube videos I also joined a Discord server where discuss all sorts of programming problems/solutions.


My learning moments

After the Voxel engine it gave me more insight on how I should build mine. I redesigned the engine with a more clear pipeline how everything works. The YouTube videos also helped quite a lot with thinking about parts that are important for the engine.

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